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“Money Shot”

Because I’m still so new to the world of photography, I had never heard the term “money shot” before.

If I had heard this saying, I would have figured it’s meaning had something to do with making money.

It doesn’t- well, relatively speaking.

Noelle, my producer and business partner is a fabulous photographer and and she uses this term when we’re filming. It basically means that you got the shot- either still or video- that you wanted.

Noelle’s father, however, was able to break this term down even further.  He is probably the best photographer I’ve ever known and he recently told Noelle that “a good photographer can tell the story with one shot, while a mediocre photographer will need to use many”.

This week is my family vacation week in Carlsbad, California- the perfect family-friendly beach community.  We were fortunate this year to find a vacation rental home on the beach- a two-story just renovated modern beach house just steps from the ocean.

We’ve played on the beach, swam in the ocean, rode the waves, spent a day at Sea World, watched the sunsets, grilled steaks and walked the boardwalk to get ice cream.

So, how do you sum up a vacation like this in one shot?

I chose one that I thought told the story best.

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Serve Up Patriotic with Pinterest

I’m “Serving Up Patriotic” for 4th of July entertaining this year with a little help from my buddy, Pinterest!

Visit my Pinterest boards for some inspiring and patriotic ideas for your 4th of July.

4th of July Serving Style with Pinterest from Toni Spilsbury The Organized Cook

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A Summer Garden Photo Shoot

Every Spring I usually get professional photos of the kids, but this year was unusually hectic, so Spring, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day all came and went… without photos.

With my new camera and a growing garden, I thought, “why not a summer garden photo shoot?”.


It was a windy day and since Connor doesn’t like the wind, he didn’t last long outside.

We’re very proud of our garden.  Readers need to remember that we reside in Las Vegas- not the ideal place to grow vegetables.  So, combine my lack of gardening knowledge with the the most undesirable soil for growing, and yes- we are ecstatic.

Pumpkin vines.

For blogs about Toni’s Garden:

The One That Got Away

Seeds of Hope

A Bit of Earth

The Earth Is Generous To





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The One That Got Away

I started a tray of seeds indoors because, after all, it’s cheating to purchase grown garden plants, right?

Every day we watered and watched tomato and peppers seeds bloom into about 50 beautiful plants.  I was almost feeling like an expert.

Now, before you get too excited looking at this photo, know that every one of these vegetable plants died the day after we planted them into the garden… except one, which I named Nemo.

Indoor garden

Apparently I was supposed to let the plants “harden off” before transplanting them, so I basically shocked them to death.  I thought that for gardeners this must be similar to what a fisherman might feel when a big fish gets away.

Oh well, at least I got a photo first.

The good news is that we’re having a lot of fun in the garden this Spring.

Toni Spilsbury garden

I totally understand now why gardening is a hobby for so many people.  After spending a couple hours working in my garden today, I came inside feeling as light and crisp as a freshly picked snap pea.

Toni Spilsbury garden

It’s true that I don’t have the time to dedicate to making gardening an official hobby for me, but the short amount of time I can spend in my garden is so therapeutic.

Garden Strawberries Toni Spilsbury

The kids also love it.  I don’t know exactly what it is, but I have a sense of satisfaction when I can say “run out and water the herbs”, or “I need some thyme, go pick me some”.

Read more about my garden:

Seeds of Hope

A Bit of Earth

The Earth Is Generous To


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