The earth is generous to those who know the land and its secrets.
What a great quote.
I wish I had someone to credit this great quote to, but, in fact, I heard it in the most random place. It did get me thinking about my own home garden.
Well, I wouldn’t actually call it a garden. It’s more like a well-intended plot with an adjacent potting bench, tools and equipment. What’s that other saying?… the best intentions?
Anyhow, I’m not going to pretend that I know anything about gardening; it’s merely been a place for the kids and I to have a little fun by plopping some seeds and plants into the dirt and hope for the best.
After hearing this today- “the earth is generous”- it made me go assess my “garden”.
It’s a disaster. There’s no way the earth is going to be generous to me if this is the best I can do. And so I wonder if I couldn’t just try to know it- and its secrets- a little better.
And how great would it be to pass down and share those secrets with my children. It reminds me of the book Secret Garden– who could ever forget that famous line, “might I have a bit of earth?” I was only 7 when I read that line and it’s depth was branded onto my soul.
Well, I do have a bit of earth. Let’s see what I can do with it now.
Any hope?

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