So what’s on the menu this week at The Organized Cook? My Herb Baked Salmon is one of my easiest recipes and one of the simplest meals I make, but it tastes like I spent a lot of time cooking it. By simply mixing together a marinade, in the morning, of olive oil, melted butter and garlic and pouring it over salmon fillets topped with lemon slices and dried dill; I leave it in the refrigerator to marinate all day. So, when it’s time for dinner, 35 minutes in the oven gives my family this healthy, gourmet dinner.
Weekly menu planning for family dinners is- no doubt- the best approach in saving money on your grocery bill and saving time in the kitchen. The Organized Cook takes menu planning a few steps further by integrating additional methods in our Weekly Meal Plan System.

Salmon Salad Croissant
So, what makes this recipe so unique? A method I refer to as reincarnating the leftover. If I’m going to take the time to cook this delicious salmon dinner, why not throw in a few extra salmon fillets to store afterwards as leftovers. Then, a day or two later, I simply flake the salmon, add some minced shallots, capers, dried dill and mayonnaise for…. Salmon Salad Croissant Sandwiches, served with a Bacon Spinach Salad for a super easy- and healthy- dinner.

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