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Lemon Basil Chicken Bake

Lemon Basil Chicken Bake

Lemon Basil Chicken Bake


  • penne pasta- 1 lb
  • cooked chicken, chopped (perfect with leftover chicken from Lemon-Braised Chicken
  • 1 lemon
  • fresh basil- 2 cups, chopped
  • Asiago cheese- 16 oz. (2 cups), shredded (or a blend of Asiago and Parmigiano-Reggiano)
  • Parmesan cheese- 8 oz. (1 cup), shredded or grated
  • milk- 1 cup
  • butter- 2 tablespoons
  • bread crumbs


  1. Cook pasta in salted water until tender then drain and return pasta to pan
  2. Heat oven to 375⁰
  3. Add to pasta: chicken, juice squeezed from lemon, basil, milk and Asiago cheese or cheese blend; mix
  4. Transfer pasta mixture to oven-safe casserole or baking dish
  5. Melt butter in bowl in microwave
  6. Add Parmesan cheese and breadcrumbs to melted butter and mix well
  7. Using hands sprinkle breadcrumb mixture over the top of pasta
  8. Bake until pasta begins to brown on top, approximately 15-20 minutes


Reincarnate The Leftover

Lemon Basil Chicken Bake is the perfect recipe to make with leftover chicken from Lemon-Braised Chicken:

braised chicken recipe

Lemon-Braised Chicken


Meal Planning For Busy Families

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Weekly Meal Plan

Weekly Meal Planning

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Katsu Sauce Recipe

Of course you can purchase prepared Katsu Sauce to make Chicken Katsu, but to be honest, I haven’t found one that doesn’t contain high-fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oil.  Therefore, I make my own.  It’s super simple using ingredients you most likely have on hand.

Katsu Sauce Recipe

Katsu Sauce Recipe


  • ketchup- 1 cup
  • Worcestershire sauce- 3 tablespoons
  • dry mustard powder- 3 teaspoons
  • ground ginger- 1 teaspoon
  • garlic powder- 1 teaspoon
  • ground black pepper- 2 teaspoons


  1. Mix all ingredients together
  2. Check out our simple Chicken Katsu Recipe


Check out our simple Chicken Katsu Recipe here:

Chicken Katsu Recipe

Chicken Katsu Recipe

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Skinnymom Margarita

Low Calorie Margaritas

The average margarita can pack up to 550 calories per drink.  No wonder margaritas from Skinnygirl Cocktails are so popular- with only 220 calories in an 8oz. margarita.

I personally love Skinnygirl, especially the White Peach Margarita.  But, nothing beats homemade for me; and $24.99 a bottle makes me love homemade even more.  I like to know exactly what’s in my drink- fresh lemon, lime and a bit of agave nectar mixed with a fine tequila is the best-tasting and most refreshing margarita.  Here’s my homemade low-calorie margarita, or “Skinnymom” I like to call it at only 132 calories for an 8oz. margarita (insert big smile here).

Skinnymom margarita

Skinnymom Margarita

Skinnymom Margarita

Skinnymom Margarita


  • 5 cups ice
  • Juice squeezed from 2 lemons
  • Juice squeezed from 2 limes
  • 3 tablespoons of Agave Nectar
  • 1/2 cup tequila (4 oz.)
  • 1/2 cup water (4 oz.)


  1. Place ice in blender
  2. Add all remaining ingredients
  3. Blend until smooth

Sugar Baby

Drinks made with prepared margarita mix contain a ton of sugar, and I can feel the effects on my endocrine system when I drink them- which is why I don’t anymore.  Agave nectar, especially pure raw organic agave nectar is a type of sugar that is much easier broken down by the body.  I use agave nectar in my homemade lemonade, coffee and sometimes tea.

Low Cal Margarita



Tequila calories are typically high; so using the appropriate amount in any drink is advised.  There’s no real difference in the amount of calories between white tequila and yellow tequila- both pack about 69 calories per ounce.


Low Calorie Margarita

Patron Silver Tequila- 69 calories per ounce



The answer for me is “no salt”.  Who needs the extra sodium?







Skinnymom Margarita- via Toni Spilsbury

Skinnymom Margarita- via Toni Spilsbury

Also, try my Homemade Summer Sangria:

Homemade Summer Sangria

Homemade Summer Sangria


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Roasted Heirloom Tomatoes with Avocado & Brown Rice Pasta

Shopping at Trader Joe’s over the weekend, I picked up a container of beautiful heirloom tomatoes. I admired the array of colors these tomatoes covered- red, yellow, purple and green- and wondered what I could make with them.

After grabbing some fresh avocados and a pound of brown rice pasta, I headed home to try out this simple recipe.

Roasted Heirloom Tomatoes with Avocado & Brown Rice Pasta

Roasted Heirloom Tomatoes with Avocado & Brown Rice Pasta


  • colorful heirloom cherry tomatoes- 1 pint, sliced in half lengthwise
  • avocados- 2 ripe, diced into chunks
  • brown rice pasta- 1 pound
  • garlic- 2 cloves, minced
  • olive oil- 1/2 cup
  • lemon juice- 1 tablespoon (or juice squeezed from 1/4 lemon)
  • salt


  1. heat oven to Broil
  2. bring salted water to boil in large pasta pan
  3. place tomato slices on baking sheet
  4. drizzle tomatoes with olive oil and dust with salt
  5. roast tomatoes in oven until they begin to char, approximately 7 minutes
  6. once water is boiling, add pasta and cook until tender
  7. once pasta is tender, drain and rinse under cool water (I only rinse pasta when making a cold salad or if it's brown rice)
  8. heat olive oil in large heated saute pan
  9. add pasta, tomatoes (with drippings), garlic and avocado to saute until pasta is just warm, only about 2 minutes
  10. transfer to serving bowl

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