Tag Archives | pinterest

Join Us For Our Weekly #MealPlanning Party & #Pinterest Pinfest

By now you all are well aware of our love for Pinterest. It inspires us, it motivates us, it entertains us. And it actually is the greatest medium we have found to really share our love of food. We share our recipes, we read others, their photos inspire us to creatively help you be the super star Organized Cook we know you are!

We would love to have you continue to join us as you have have since October on twitter each week for our weekly #mealplanning party. But with a bit of a twist. We would love to have you come prepared to share your favorite foodie pins with us. We want to share your ideas as well as ours.  Each week we will have a board topic-like Valentines Day pins, or Superbowl. We will announce them on twitter a few days before the party so make sure you are following our @organizedcook account. Let’s share our creative ideas and combine our love of both twitter and pinterest!

If you happen to *gasp* miss the party one week, you can always see what was shared on our #mealplanning Pinterest board saved just for the #mealplanning parties!

Pinterest board for #mealplanning twitter parties

Are you a little lost on how to use Pinterest? We suggest you read 5 Pinterest Tips for Beginners by Kelby Carr. If you are a little lost on how to participate, read about twitter parties here.

Twitter and Pinterest #mealplanning weekly party

Remember- if you are a blogger and would like to preview the Weekly Meal Plan from The Organized Cook™ we would love to hear from you.

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Your Best Year Yet with Pinterest

I admit it.  I’m a Pinterest junkie.  Where else can you find so much inspiration, creativity, cuteness and humor in one place?

I’m convinced that 2012 is going to be Your Best Year Yet.  Why do I think so?  I’ll let my Pinterest Board, “Just Saying” do the explaining:


Share Your Favorite Pins Twitter Party!

Thursdays just got more organized. Each Thursday The Organized Cook and our panel discuss topics related to meal planning, cooking, recipes, organization and busy family life during our #mealplanning Twitter Party. twitter party

Join us this Thursday, January 19th where we will encourage one gigantic PINFEST of of everyone’s favorite foodie pins.



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The Organized Cook On Pinterest

The Organized Cook on Pinterest

“Pinning”.  It’s the verb used to describe what one does on Pinterest.

I’m not big on playing games online and you’ll never catch me downloading or playing any mean-bird games on my iPhone.

I’m so busy that I typically use online technology more purposefully rather than for fun.

But I have to say I’m now hooked on Pinterest, and now have to set time limits for my “pinning” hobby!  Here’s my latest Pinterest Board for The Organized Cook.

Click any images below to be directed to this Pinterest Board:

The Organized Cook on Pinterest

The Organized Cook on Pinterest 2

The Organized Cook on Pinterest 3

The Organized Cook on Pinterest 4




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Serve Up Patriotic with Pinterest

I’m “Serving Up Patriotic” for 4th of July entertaining this year with a little help from my buddy, Pinterest!

Visit my Pinterest boards for some inspiring and patriotic ideas for your 4th of July.

4th of July Serving Style with Pinterest from Toni Spilsbury The Organized Cook

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