Tag Archives | christmas plan

Making A List & Checking It Twice: Christmas Shopping Tips

Christmas Shopping Tips

Every year it’s the same for me- I can’t just run out to the stores come Black Friday and begin swooping up every deal I can get my hands on.  Part of me wishes I could just leap into action like that;  but I just can’t start my Christmas shopping without a plan.

Making A List & Checking It Twice 

I need to know in advance what my budget is for each individual on my Christmas gift list to determine my overall Christmas Shopping Budget.  Predetermining my total budget allows me to make necessary adjustments to individual budgets to keep me on track.  I’m also able to figure out how much of my budget remains for charitable Christmas gift purchases.

This may sound like too much “type-A” behavior for a joyous holiday season.  Au contraire.  Staying organized and keeping my list out of my head and at fingertips is what brings me joy.

I started my Christmas Planning & Organization Guide over a decade ago.  Each year, I begin updating my guide shortly after summer and I keep it handy through the end of the holiday season.  My guide helps plan and budget my Christmas shopping with the following three steps:

Step 1:  Make A List

Christmas Gift List & Budget

I start by making a list of each person in my immediate family for Christmas gift shopping.

I then add a category to this list for extended family on my side, and then on my husband’s side.

The last category on my Christmas shopping list includes friends, teachers, co-workers, mail carrier, hair stylist, and so on.

I then create a column titled Budget.  Next to each name of my Christmas Shopping List, I fill in the amount of money I have budgeted for each individual.

After determining each individual budget, I can then add it all up to determine my overall Christmas Shopping Budget.

Save Some Room On The Bus

I then create a column for Gift Ideas.  This is an important step for me.  First of all, a gift idea that may be in your head today for someone, may not be there tomorrow.  It’s my “bus is full” philosophy.  You see, I believe that when I must commit an idea to memory, I take up too many seats on the bus in my brain.  However, the minute I take that idea from my head to paper (or computer), I’m freeing up space on my bus for more thoughts and ideas.  Whenever I think of a great Christmas gift for someone, I immediately run to my computer or pull out my paper list and jot it down.  I can’t tell you how often this method has saved me from last-minute shopping madness.

Stay On Track

The next column is to keep track of Gifts Purchased.  After I purchase a gift- or gifts- for an individual, I jot it down in this column along with the amount I actually spent.  By doing this, I can first keep track of my progress so I know at a glance when my Christmas shopping is complete.

This also allows me to keep track of my spending to know if I’m staying on budget.  If I go over budget, I can either make adjustments elsewhere; or at the very least, I can take the surprise out of opening my January credit card statement.

Christmas Cards

Next, I update my Christmas Card list.  By taking the time to add people and update addresses, I’m saving myself again from last-minute mayhem.

2.  Schedule It

What?  Only eight more days until Christmas?!”  I don’t like to be surprised mid-December with the realization that I’m running out of time to do things like mail out Christmas cards or finish shopping.  So, if I schedule items on my calendar ahead of time and stick to it, I find more joyeux in my noel, like:

  1. Christmas Photos
  2. Christmas Cards
  3. Charitable Outreach
  4. Teacher Gifts
  5. Christmas Shopping
  6. Gift Wrapping

3.  Keep It Together

I don’t know what your purse looks like around the holidays, but I know that mine can look like a jumbled mess of receipts, sticky notes, sales ads and store coupons.  I’m getting my annual Christmas eye-twitch just thinking about it.

Christmas Shopping Planning Guide

My Annual Christmas Eye Twitch

Which is why I create my envelope system.  I take four envelopes and label them:

  1. “List”
  2. “Receipts”
  3. “Sales Ads”
  4. “Store Coupons”

I keep my envelopes together and use them faithfully.  I’ll never scramble around again looking for that receipt to return the paella pan I bought for my mother before learning she bought the same one for herself.

When describing the sangria jar to a sales clerk, I’ll always have the sales ad handy to refer to.

And who doesn’t love saving 20% at Bed, Bath and Beyond by having that coupon handy?


Download Your Planning Guide

To help you stay on track this Christmas shopping season, I’m sharing my humble planning guide here:

Christmas Planning & Organization Guide in Word (to make modifications)

Christmas Planning & Organization Guide in PDF (to print and write in only)

  It may seem like only “paper and pen”, but I believe the written word holds a lot of power.  And if that power helps take the stress out of my holiday by keeping my shopping, budget and schedule on track, then it might as well be made out of gold to me.

I hope my guide helps you as much as it has helped me.

Have a Joyous, Organized and Eye-Twitch-Free Holiday!








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Making A Plan and Checking It Twice

The holidays are here; my most favorite time of the year.  Peppermint mochas at Starbucks, my favorite pink wool coat, cars and trucks dressed up as reindeer and that Santa razor commercial (where is that commercial this year?)  My kids are in high spirits for the season’s festivities wanting to do all-things Christmas leaving no jingle-bell rock unturned: gingerbread men, Christmas village, reindeer food, visits with Santa; there’s no way I could possibly skimp on anything this year to save time.  So I’ve decided to look at ways to maximize my time while saving money along the way.

The holidays….enjoyed.

Make a plan.  Feeling overwhelmed with still a large “to do” list and not enough time?  If thoughts of things still undone are doing reindeer leaps through your brain and won’t give you a moment’s peace, take time to write down those thoughts.  The written word has a lot of power.  By getting those tasks out of your head and onto paper, your brain is free to relax and focus.  If you need help formatting those thoughts, use my “Making A Plan and Checking It Twice” template.

Renew your holiday spirit.  If your holiday spirit needs some uplifting, try something new.  Something like…. making a fireplace with your kids out of a Coscto apple juice box and some red construction paper (use a portable DVD player with a crackling fire DVD) and throw them a candy cane hot chocolate play date party.

Give yourself the gift of time.  Take away the stress of planning family dinner by letting The Organized Cook do it for you.   No need to worry about what your family is eating tonight and feel uplifted by the money you know you’re saving.  By using The Organized Cook weekly meal plan you can cook dinner for a family of four to five for about $100 a week in groceries; that’s less than you would spend on one dinner night out!  Plus, I’m sure you can find something to fill all that extra time you will have on your hands by using this system.  For a limited time, you can subscribe to The Organized Cook for only $4.99 a month at The Organized Cook Weekly Meal Plan.

I hope your holidays are off to a great start this year!

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