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Family Summer Bucket List from Positively Splendid

Even the most organized moms are put to the test come the last week of school, especially if you have three children at three different schools like I do.

family summer bucket list cards

Family Summer Bucket List Idea Cards by Tatertots & Jello on Positively Splendid

So, as I stood looking at the sign-up sheet for my pre-K daughters end of school year party, only two openings were available- “condiments” or “party giveaway bags“.

It’s decision time.

Do I go for the easy sign-up to bring a bottle of ketchup and ranch dressing?  How simple and smart that would be!

Or, do I sign up for the most difficult task of creating and assembling gift bags?  Part of me (the logical me) really wants to make life easy and sign up to bring condiments.

Condiments or party bags?

Condiments?  Or, party bags?


Or…. party bags?

How predictable I am.  Yes, I signed up for the most complicated item.

And, of course, the party crept up on me out of nowhere and left me scrambling at the 11th hour to put something together.

So, it was me and every other haggard mother at Michaels come 8:00 p.m. the night before looking for last-minute items to fulfill some self-inflicted obligation for kids school parties or teacher gifts.

And I can’t even keep this task simple by just throwing some candy in a bag with a bow.  Even that would be pretty simple.

I had to think of a theme.

So, as I wandered around the store praying for some inspiration, it was then that I remembered a fabulous Family Summer Bucket List idea by Tatertots & Jello featured on Positively Splendid blog.

family summer bucket list

By printing and cutting out these adorable summer ideas and placing a few in each bag or bucket, all I had to do was purchase items to go along with ideas like: “Write and Act In A Play”, “Have A Lemonade Stand” and “Plant A Garden”.  There are actually three pages of ideas to choose from.

Family Summer Bucket List from Toni Spilsbury

So, I purchased items like sidewalk chalk, mini squirt guns, notepad & pen, garden seeds, lemonade mix, etc.  And, yes, I threw in some Starburst candy.

Kids Summer Ideas from Toni Spilsbury, The Organized Cook

Thank you Tatertots & Jello and Positively Splendid for the inspiration.  I think I’ll be using this Family Summer Bucket List at home this summer as well.  Adorable idea!

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DIY Teacher Gifts

DIY Chalkboard Frames

Coming up with ideas for teacher gifts at the end of the school years gets more challenging for me.  I love DIY gifts and wanted something functional for the classroom.  With a little chalkboard paint (my new best friend), we created these adorable mini chalkboards.

DIY chalkboard frames from Toni Spilsbury The Organized Cook

No, I don’t homeschool- it’s completely coincidental that Brooke’s preschool teacher this year is named Toni


DIY Teacher Gifts by Toni Spilsbury, The Organized Cook

DIY Teacher Gifts using Chalkboard Paint


I found some decorative inexpensive frames at HomeGoods.  Then I removed the glass and spray painted a couple coats of chalkboard paint on it, and placed it back in the frame after drying.

DIY Teacher Gifts by Toni Spilsbury, The Organized Cook

DIY Teacher Gifts- Chalkboard Frames


The kids can use chalk to write a “thank you” message to their teacher.

DIY chalkboard frames from Toni Spilsbury The Organized Cook


I love how these mini chalkboards came out.  We had some wonderful teachers this year and these frames will look so cute sitting in their classrooms next year.

DIY chalkboard frame from Toni Spilsbury The Organized Cook













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