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Balanced Lifestyle
Maintaining a balanced lifestyle is something I struggle with constantly as with most busy moms I know. When work and deadlines collide with school projects and dance lessons, it’s not always easy to make the best choices when it comes to eating. And when the holidays arrive it creates the perform storm making it nearly impossible to keep up those healthy habits I worked so hard to maintain throughout the year.
This is why I decide to forgive myself each holiday season by allowing a few weeks of no exercise, Christmas cookies, eggnog and other indulges that we all don’t really need to know about. Now it’s time to say hello to 2014 and get back on track for the new year.
Back On Track
To get back on track, I begin with choices. When I’m working away at my desk on a project, I don’t have the time to stop and make myself lunch which leads to more hunger, which eventually leads to me grabbing something quick that isn’t the best choice for sustaining myself throughout the day. In fact, that bag of chips typically leads to more hunger about an hour later.
Therefor, making better food choices is at the top of my list to getting back on track. When you’re a busy working mom, it’s easier to make better food choices when they’re convenient. During a trip to Walmart today, I made a few purchases which allow me to have snacks and meals ready when hunger strikes.
I’m munching away as we speak on these LEAN CUISINE® Stuffed Pretzels which are stuffed with Three Cheese & Spinach.
And lunch is just a few minutes away with today’s choice being LEAN CUISINE® Sesame Chicken:
And this will be ready and waiting for me in the freezer should hunger strike tomorrow morning while the kids are at school, LEAN CUISINE® Morning Collection™ Turkey Sausage English Muffin:
I also have the LEAN CUISINE® Wrap ADDITIONS™ Creamy Balsamic Chicken waiting for lunch tomorrow, which I just throw on top of my brown rice tortillas:
For all you late-night munchers, I strongly suggest Skinny Cow Devine Candy, which I keep readily at my desk:
Switching up my regular coffee sweetener with CoffeeMate Better For You Sugar-Free Vanilla is also another choice for getting my new year back on track.
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