Tag Archives | downloadables

Spring Into Clean

What is “Spring Cleaning”?

I’ve now read so many blogs and articles about spring cleaning, you would think I’m now an “expert” on the matter.  However, I’ve determined that it’s really individualized.

To some, it’s the mere act of catching up on neglected housework throughout the year.  For others (like me), it’s the task of going through the old to make way for the new by sorting, organizing, storing, donating and tossing.  And still for many, it’s the annual chore list of scrubbing, dusting, shining and painting that has become family tradition.

Spring Into Clean Spring Cleaning

Spring Into Clean

What is “Spring Cleaning”?

I’ve now read so many blogs and articles about spring cleaning, you would think I’m now an “expert” on the matter.  However, I’ve determined that it’s really individualized.

To some, it’s the mere act of catching up on neglected housework throughout the year.  For others (like me), it’s the task of going through the old to make way for the new by sorting, organizing, storing, donating and tossing.  And still for many, it’s the annual chore list of scrubbing, dusting, shining and painting that has become family tradition.

So how do I break it down to determine what “spring cleaning” means to me?  That is the question.  This year I decided to give it some thought rather than artificially make the day special by slapping the label “spring” onto something I do all the time- “clean”.

As always, getting out the old pencil and paper is how I begin my journey to the answer.

And here it is.

As a busy mom of four, I often say that taking care of kids is one job while taking care of their things is another.  So, I take one day- without the kids– to go through their things, store, toss and donate.  Pack up or give away Fall/Winter clothes making way for Spring/Summer clothes, organize toys, artwork, etc.  This chore I will call “Spring Organizing”.

Spring Organizing then makes way for “Spring Cleaning”.  And I agree with all the articles out there that boast the benefits of having children involved in this all-day spoon-full-of-sugar event.  My 7-year old daughter actually loves any chore related to sorting and organizing and jumps for joy when I mention the words, “clean_out_garage”- really.

Toni’s Tips For Spring Organizing

  1. Schedule it and find a day without kids
  2. Have a written plan: kids closets, toy room, garage, etc.
  3. Use the “three bin rule”: have storage bins or boxes ready and labeled:  “Keep“, “ Give“, “Toss”  Click here for free downloadable.
  4. Have one “Memory Box” for each child with their name to store items that are too precious to throw away
  5. Have label machine ready.  Label everything!
Spring Organizing Tips from Toni Spilsbury

Spring Organizing Tips from Toni Spilsbury


Toni’s Tips For Spring Cleaning

  1. Schedule it for you and each family member involved
  2. Go through each room in advance and make a list of every cleaning chore
  3. Divide chore list
  4. Make supply buckets for each person
  5. Create incentives.  Make a game out of it with prizes and a fun family event grand prize


Don’t forget to enter this week’s Manic Monday Giveaway for a Spring Cleaning Fashionable Gift Set!  Click here for details.

Spring Cleaning Fashionable Gift Set

Manic Monday Giveaway: Spring Cleaning Fashionable Gift Set

Here is my favorite and most helpful article on the topic of “spring cleaning” by Sarah Aguirre at About.com: A Spring Cleaning Extravaganza.




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How To Make An Ocean Diorama

Ocean Diorama School Project

Ocean Diorama School Project

Ocean Diorama School Project


  1. shoe box
  2. blue paint (tempura paint is best)
  3. sand (aquarium supplies from pet store)
  4. plastic sea plants (aquarium supplies from pet store)

    ocean diorama supplies

    Ocean Diorama Supplies

  5. shells (Michael’s or pet store)
  6. glue (Elmer’s glue)
  7. plastic sea animals (Michael’s)
  8. sponge sea animals (Michael’s)
  9. jewelry fishing line string (Michael’s)
  10. metallic floral “picks” (Michael’s floral department)



  1. Paint inside of shoe box blue
  2. With box sitting on side length-wise, glue plastic sea plants to the bottom
  3. coat bottom generously and imperfectly with glue, then pour sand over the top to form ocean floor (can repeat this step)
  4. glue shells and bottom-dwelling plastic animals to the top of sand
  5. glue metallic floral picks to the back to create “waves”
  6. punch small holes in the top of box and thread strings of different lengths and dimensions through holes securing at the top with a knot, then tie foam sea animals to the bottom

How to make an Ocean Diorama for school project


Crafty Organization

Perhaps I love school projects a bit more than what is deemed normal.  Yes, I tend to go overboard, but for me it’s where creativity, fun and time well-spent with my kids meets education.

My oldest daughter will live to be 100 and never forget the edible Galapagos Island we made for her anthropology class.

This week’s mission: Ocean Diorama.  Yes!

My biggest challenge in doing these types of projects is letting my girls completely takeover.  After all, that is the point, and it is their project, not mine.  So when creative differences arise, it’s my duty to allow their drive take over.

As always, being organized is super helpful.  I’m sharing my Craft Supply Labels with friends of the The Organized Cook. Download, print and label some basic plastic storage containers with these colorful, fun labels and make craft projects a lot easier to manage.

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