Making Any Event An Opportunity To Give
I enjoy getting the ladies together in my home from time to time to unwind, mingle and have silly girl fun. Sometimes I make the party into a play date for the kids at the same time. But whatever the occasion, I never miss the opportunity to turn any event into a simple fundraiser for my community.
As the Co-Founder of Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation, I know all too well that half of the challenge for any fundraiser is getting people to the event. So if people will be in my home anyhow for a party, it’s so easy to hold a donation drive at the same time.
Last December I had many local female bloggers here in my home to sample holiday food and wine. After putting together the party details- food, wine, games, invitations, etc., I simply sent out an email to the attendees letting them know that I would be collecting food for my local food bank if anyone wanted to bring a donation. As a prize for the person who brought the most food to donate, I gave away a beautiful apron.
I think that by turning the simplest of events into a small donation drive, I’m making it easier for friends to be philanthropic. While someone may not think its worth it to drive a small bag of food to their local food bank, they may bring one to a party they were planning to attend anyhow knowing that their small donation will be combined into a much larger donation. And what’s even better is they don’t have to drive it to the food bank themselves, I’m taking time out of my schedule to do so.
Champions For Kids
This past weekend, I held an intimate afternoon party in my home to talk about a business opportunity for bloggers. The ladies and I enjoyed some food, drinks and girl talk while the kids had fun collecting and sorting donated items for our Champions For Kids donation drive.
Champions for Kids is a national non-profit working to improve the lives of children across the country. As part of this campaign with Dial Soap, Champion for Kids is encouraging people- like me- to make a difference by holding donation drives for hygiene products to donate to local schools or children’s shelters in need.
Because I was already having this party in my home, I figured this was the perfect opportunity to hold Simple Service Project for Champion for Kids at the same time. I emailed guests before the party to let each one know that I would be collecting items to donate to our local charity, Safe Nest.
Planning The Party
Just like any party, I started with invitations letting my friends know about the party. I let everyone know on the invitation that I was collecting hygiene products for my own Champion for Kids donation drive, and that I had a special prize to give away to whomever brought the most donations.
Planning the food was simple, with some cupcakes, cheese tray and other goodies from my shopping trip to Walmart. I was able to purchase my own Dial Soaps and other hygiene items for my donation to the drive and the party food and drinks at the same time. Check out more photos from my shopping trip in my Google+ photo album here:
It could be me, but I feel like everyone enjoyed the party more knowing that we were doing something for the children in our community at the same time.
I encourage anyone who is having a party in their home to Dial Into Giving with Champion for Kids by turning any small event into an opportunity to hold a small donation drive for the local community.
For more information about Champions For Kids, visit, Twitter or Facebook.
I am a member of the Collective Bias Social Fabric Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and Dial Soaps #DialCFK #CBias #SocialFabric but the views and opinions expressed here are very much my own.

[…] Earlier this month I wrote about turning any event or party into an opportunity to support the children in your community by holding a simple donation drive during the event- see Champions For Kids Donation Drive. […]